
the shaming loop

Shaming is one way to gain "power," unfortunately, it is popular on social media and online platforms.  

Of course, we are angry when we are shamed. This triggers a reaction that often ends in conflicts, with people calling each other "dumb," "stupid," or something much worse.  

What goes hand in hand with shaming is blaming. "They did this, so I must do that to get even."

Nobody takes responsibility for their emotions in the shaming loop, let alone try to understand why we react to begin with. Blaming feels like the right thing to do, but it is a shortcut to the bottom. It feels good because it's convenient and lets us off the hook.

It's important to know that when we set out to blame others, we are not fighting the problem but fueling it. Holding people accountable for their behaviors isn't going to work if we are wrapped in the emotions of shaming and blaming.

The most effective way to break free from this vicious cycle is to reclaim our power by taking responsibility for our own emotions and understanding reactions. It's about stepping out of the cycle, practicing self-connection, and returning to our centered self through the shift.

Until then, it's challenging to be compassionate and responsive towards others in the shaming loop.

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